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Welcome to Groby Community College

As the Principal of Groby Community College I would like to welcome you to our website.

Groby Community College is a 14-19 comprehensive college, in partnership with Brookvale High School with whom we share a campus. A significant number of students also join us from South Charnwood High School and other local schools. In our most recent Ofsted in February 2013 we were judged as 'good' with 'outstanding features'. We also hold the Enhanced Anti-bullying Award, the Healthy Schools Award, the Equalities Award and Arts Mark Gold.

We are a highly successful college with some of the best results in the county. Our strong academic curriculum means that we perform well in terms of the English Baccalaureate. 63% of students achieved 5A*-C GCSEs with English and Maths. In 2013 at A Level were the highest in the county for our A*-B grades. Our top grades at A* - A at A Level are significantly above the national average.  As a result of our excellent results we have become a 'Leading Edge' school which is an organisation representing the best schools in the country.

Our motto is a ‘achievIng excellence together' as we believe that we must work in partnership with our students, parents and carers, staff and the community to provide an outstanding education for our young people. We place a strong emphasis on ensuring a high quality of teaching and learning so that every student has equal access to the very best conditions in order to achieve and succeed.

The ethos of the college is supportive and welcoming; it is also challenging and stimulating. As the Principal I have high expectations for our students both academically and in terms of their behaviour and the contribution they make to the local and wider community. I believe in respecting our students as individuals so they can grow and develop into young adults. Respect is a right but this comes with responsibilities. We expect our young people to behave well and work hard at all times.

Our values drive our college and at the heart of these is a core belief in being proud of Groby and our achievements. Our aim and aspiration is to be an outstanding college in order to provide our community with the best possible local education we can.

We actively encourage parents to continue to play a central role in their children's education once they have transferred to the college, including getting involved in the various family learning opportunities on offer. We also have a vibrant Parent Forum which meets twice a year for you to be able to give your feedback on the progress of the college.

Our most valuable resource is our staff; whether they are teachers, support staff, lunchtime caterers and supervisors or premises officers, they contribute to the students' welfare and progress. We aim to give all staff appropriate and on-going training for the work they do in the college to ensure that their work is of the highest quality. We provide Initial Teacher Training as part of the BOSGRO School Direct programme involving a number of local schools.  We are also a strategic partner in the Thomas Estley Learning Alliance (TELA) which provides CPD and school support across Leicestershire. We have a learning culture and believe that everyone can gain new skills and, if desired, qualifications to support them, at any stage in their life.

Our college is truly the centre of the community and we are proud to be at the heart of it. I hope that you too find this as special a place as I do.

Robert Coles