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Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is additional funding that comes into college each year to support students who are deemed to be economically disadvantaged and thefore more likely to underachieve at school. A student attracts Pupil Premium funding if they are currently in receipt of a Free School Meals (FSM) or have been in the last six years. Students also attract additional funding if they are in care, were adopted after December 2005 or have a parent in the armed forces. 

The funding is used to target students who may be disadvantaged, either economically or through personal circumstances, in order to increase their academic outcomes and therefore narrow the gap in their achievement and that of their more advantaged peers.

How much does the college get?
In the last two years we have received the following amounts.

  • 2014-15 - £55,000
  • 2013-14 - £81,000

How is the college spending the additional funding in 2014-15?
This money is deployed in advance of receiving it as part of our wider improvement planning in order to ensure that disadvantaged students are fully supported.  To help deploy the additional funding correctly, we have used guidance from an organisation called the Sutton Trust who have done detailed research into how to raise achievement. During 2014-15 we have deployed the funding in the following ways:


  • A full time Pupil Premium (PP) learning mentor has been employed to support Pupil Premium students who are underachieving and to engage our ‘hard to reach’ families (£18,460)
  • Two Pupil Premium coordinators have been employed (Year 10 & Year 11) to track and intervene with disadvantaged students in order to increase their rates of progress (£6,335).
  • Track students on the Pupil Premium register to ensure that they achieve 8 good outcomes at GCSE and target them with additional interventions at the end of the college day.  A late bus is provided beyond the college day to ensure Pupil Premium students have this opportunity.
  • All Pupil Premium students will be targeted to ensure that they have revision guides for all core subjects. (£2,000).
  • External speaker provided training to all staff on our first teacher day: ‘Ensuring outstanding outcomes for Pupil Premium students (£400).
  • Exam Success Revision Evening for parents and students (£250).
  • All staff actively target Pupil Premium students to ensure that they are achieving their target grades. In 2014-15 teaching staff are required to account for the progress of Pupil Premium students through Performance Management.
  • The college pays for teachers to run holiday revision classes which target Pupil Premium students deemed to be underachieving (£5,000).
  • Funding supports the salaries of dedicated Higher Level Teaching Assistants in the core subjects of Maths, English and Science (£35,000).
  • High Achieving Pupil Premium students have been identified in all subject areas and will have the opportunity to engage in enrichment activities such as The Brilliant Club (£1,000) and trips to universities to raise aspirations.
  • Higher Ability (HA) coordinator tracks the progress of high achieving Pupil Premium students to ensure they are meeting or exceeding target grades.
  • Pupil Premium Teaching & Learning bulletin produced each term which provides staff with high impact strategies.
  • Pupil Premium students receive a free breakfast at our daily breakfast club.  They will also have the opportunity to access homework support (£1,000).
  • Literacy & numeracy event to be held at Leicester City Football club for Pupil Premium students
  • Contribution to the salary of an Attendance Improvement Officer who targets Pupil Premium students with low attendance (£12,000). 
  • ‘Groby in the Community’- Holding events in the local community to engage our ‘hard to reach’ parents (£100).
  • Literacy and numeracy support for parents – event held in the community by members of staff from the college (£250).
  • Exam Success Revision Evening for parents and students (£250). 
  • Pupil Premium students receive additional tutoring for Maths during morning registration.
  • An additional Maths booster teacher has been employed for 15 hours per week to target small groups of students including key Pupil Premium students (£5,000).
  • Additional Maths tutors have been to be employed from September 2014 to offer 1-2-1/small group support for Pupil Premium students (£5,000).
  • All Pupil Premium students will be targeted to ensure that they have the correct exam equipment including a scientific calculator and revision guides (£1,000).
  • Pupil Premium funding is used to support students in Year 9 (at their high school) to sit mock Maths GCSE exam papers in order to give them extra experience of the GCSE before transition (£1,000).
  • Nottingham Tutorial Centre run ‘GCSE Grade Raiser Days’ in Maths (£600).
  • Live N Learn – external agency to work with all Pupil Premium students to boost self esteem (£2,000).
  • All Pupil Premium students to receive careers guidance.
  • Mindset – Targeted Pupil Premium students to receive coaching – ‘Changing your Mindset’.
  • Attendance officer to monitor attendance of PP students including home visits and working in partnership with parents (£5,000)

What has been the impact of our targeted intervention for Pupil Premium students in 2013-14?


Raising Achievement through mentoring and extra sessions beyond the school day

  • 5 A*-C with English and Maths increased by 6% to 38%
  • 26% of students achieved 8 A*- C with English and Maths
  • Attainment gap in 5A*- C in English and Maths has narrowed by 6%
  • Progress gap in English has narrowed by 10% and now is below the national average.  This is likely to be due to the targeted intervention students received beyond the college day.
  • Progress gap between Pupil Premium and non Pupil Premium students has narrowed by 19% in the last 3 years in Maths.  Students were targeted for Maths intervention during morning registration and beyond the college day.
  • 100% of Pupil Premium students targeted to achieve A*- C succeeded or exceeded in the following subjects: Art, Chemistry, BTEC Health & Social Care, BTEC Sport, German and Graphics.
  • 40% of PP students achieved at least 1 A*/A grade (target 10%) 
Preparing students for life beyond school
  • ‘Pump it up Programme’- Targeted intervention for 30 Pupil Premium students to boost self esteem.   89% of students achieved or exceeded target grades
  • 33% of Pupil Premium students have chosen to stay on into Post 16.
Support for the more able students £3,500
  • Progress of these students was monitored closely in each subject & intervention put in place when required
  • 82% of high ability students achieved 8 A*- C with English and Maths
  • 91% achieving 5 A*- C with English and Maths.   This is likely to be as a result of whole college  teaching & learning training sessions which  had a focus on ‘Challenge for All’
  • KS5 pupil premium students achieved better than non Pupil Premium students


How can parents/carers help?
If you think that your child should receive Free School Meals then please contact the college. We can support you with completing the forms in order to apply for the support and help.