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Bali Rai Visit

On 6th February the college Learning Resource Centre (LRC) will be welcoming the world renowned Leicester author, Bali Rai. This is a great opportunity for our students to meet and work with a successful author. Students will have the chance to work on creative writing skills and to take part in a session led by Bali on reading for pleasure. There will also be a chance for students to ask questions.

Students have had the chance to borrow a range of his books from our collection in the LRC and are encouraged to continue to do so before his visit so they are prepared with questions on the day.

While he is with us, Bali will also be launching our newly refurbished LRC and reading the winning entry from our Creative Writing competition. We really look forward to meeting him and seeing the work he does with our students.

Photos and a review of the day will be in the next newsletter.