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A Whole Education

Developing a ‘whole education’ is paramount to what we do at Groby Community College. In other words at the heart of our philosophy of Achieving Excellence Together is the championing of skills that build upon and go beyond each student’s courses and qualifications.

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January 2015

Welcome back to college and a Happy New Year to you all. As you will see in our newsletter it was a busy end to 2014 at Groby Community College and on the campus as a whole. It was fantastic to see so many examples of students across the 11-19 age range working together particularly in the Performing Arts. 

Students, staff, parents and carers have put in an enormous effort to enable the college to thrive throughout the Autumn Term. As Principal I am incredibly proud of each and everyone associated with Groby and the contribution they make to its success.

Read more: January 2015

@ 28 October 2014

Welcome back to college following the half term break.  I would like to thank all our students for the way that they have settled back into college over the last two months.  Well done to Year 10 and 12 for an excellent start to their GCSE and A Level courses.

As you will have seen in the local press, we were particularly pleased to achieve our EQualities Award during September. Thank you to Mrs Evans who worked hard to pull our application together.  It is a real accolade to be the first school in Leicestershire to achieve recognition for working hard to make our college an equitable place to be.

Read more: @ 28 October 2014

Snow: Friday 30 January

Thank you to all parents and carers who were able to get their child into college on Friday. I know that some areas were badly effected and therefore buses and cars could not make it out of the villages or along the roads. Thank you to those parents and carers who let us know about the conditions and problems on the road; absence in these cases will be 'authorised'. If no reason has been given then absence will be coded as 'unauthorised'.

Read more: Snow: Friday 30 January

Christmas 2014

As the end of term approaches, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work and support. 

Students, staff, parents and carers have put in an enormous effort to enable the college to function and thrive this term. As Principal I am incredibly proud of each and everyone associated with Groby and the contribution they make to its success.

Read more: Christmas 2014

New Faces - September 2014

At this time of year, it is important to welcome all the new students joining the college this academic year.  Many of the Post 16 students joining us in Year 12 have achieved outstanding results in their GCSE examinations and we would like to congratulate them for their success.

The majority of our new Year 10 intake comes from Brookvale High School, with many others coming from surrounding schools in Leicestershire.  A huge Groby welcome goes out to all the families who are joining us for the first time.  It is through the close partnership with parents and carers that our students will succeed, hence our motto ‘Achieving Excellence Together’.

We also welcome several new staff to the college.  

Read more: New Faces - September 2014