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Teacher Day 18 October and changes to report dates

As you will be aware from the website and the newsletter, the college is closed to students this Friday 18 October for a designated teacher training day. Students return to college on Monday 28 October as normal.

Read more: Teacher Day 18 October and changes to report dates

Well done A Level Students

Friday 16 August 2013

It was such a fantastic day yesterday to see our Year 13 students receive their A Level results and to hear that so many of them had secured a place at university. It was also great to see those who had already started work, being allowed to be late for a couple of hours to collect their results!

Read more: Well done A Level Students

Update May 2013

We are well underway with our busiest and most stressful half term of the college year.  As courses for all year groups draw to a close, students are busy completing final controlled assessments and exam pieces.  Most subjects are now revising and what happens outside the classroom, in terms of exam preparation, is just as important as what is done in college.  Our plea to all parents and carers is to make sure that your son/daughter has a clear revision plan over the next few weeks.

Read more: Update May 2013

Highest A Levels Results in Leicestershire

Welcome to the start of the new term. As you will be aware, we are celebrating some really good GCSE and A Level results. We have had confirmed this morning that our percentage of A* - A and A*-B at A Level is the highest across Leicestershire. I would like to say another well done to our outgoing Year 13 students and thank you to staff and parents / carers for their hard work and support.

Read more: Highest A Levels Results in Leicestershire

June/July 2013

The end of a busy year is close and a huge thank you goes out to all of our students and families for their hard work and support this year.

In true college style, the last half term has been packed with busy Performing Arts activity. The end of the year is always an enormous culmination of the students’ work. The Year 13 BTEC Performing Arts productions included the dance show ‘Step Back in Time’, a production of the musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ and the classic 1970s play ‘Abigail’s Party’. All pieces played to packed audiences and showed off the sheer talent of the students as they completed their final pieces from their courses.

Read more: June/July 2013

Happy Easter

As this very short term draws rapidly to a close, I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and a well deserved rest.
The college term ends on a high after our successful Ofsted inspection last month. Getting our much wanted ‘good’ judgement was validation of the sheer hard work that goes into the college each day by everyone involved.  We are passionate in our belief that the students and families who we work with are a really great community and that they deserved their local school to be deemed a ‘good’ school. This judgement really is the culmination of a lot of hard work.  As I have said to staff and students already, the journey to ‘outstanding’ has already begun!

Read more: Happy Easter