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Update May 2013

We are well underway with our busiest and most stressful half term of the college year.  As courses for all year groups draw to a close, students are busy completing final controlled assessments and exam pieces.  Most subjects are now revising and what happens outside the classroom, in terms of exam preparation, is just as important as what is done in college.  Our plea to all parents and carers is to make sure that your son/daughter has a clear revision plan over the next few weeks.

We have been celebrating student achievement in recent weeks.  Meghan Shuttlewood won a Lord Lieutenants Young Person of the Year Award for her amazing art work.  Meghan is completing her AS studies and was recognised for the unique qualities in her work and sheer talent.  It was a real honour to join Meghan, Deborah Law (Subject Leader for Art) and her family when she received her award.  Similarly on Monday 29 April IOTA, our Young Enterprise company, made it through the Leicestershire East Final of the national area competition to make it into the last 6 competing companies in the entire county and city.  IOTA’s fashion products and ethical sales strategy impressed the judges at the first stages of the competition.

The most exciting aspect of being a Principal is to be surrounded by the achievements of our young people.  Nothing makes me prouder than seeing how they develop and grow their talent during the two or four years that they study at the college.  What stands out in every case is that success comes from hard work. Well done.