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End of the year

As we are fast approaching the end of the college year, I would like to wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable summer break.

The college has been very busy over the last three weeks.  On Wednesday 25 June Years 10 and 12 participated in the annual Sports Day. The students participated in a fun-filled day of competitive sports as well as mass participation events. In the afternoon all Year 10 had a go at basketball shoot outs, ‘keepie-uppies’ and welly wanging!  At the end of the afternoon, and following the annual tug of war competition, Birch House were crowned as House Champions for 2013-14.

Read more: End of the year

Updated 13 March 2014

Making the grade

Our March exam special newsletter, which is now in its third year, is packed with helpful ideas and tips for students and parents/carers as they reach the final stages of the exam preparation period.

If you are a parent/carer of a Year 11 student you will hopefully have heard that both English and maths have two major competitions running.  Each student who completes a maths mock paper every two weeks will be entered for our prize draw.  Two iPads are to be given away just before half term as recognition of progress and hard work during this busy period. There will be lots of celebrations along the way including revealing how well the staff get on as many of them are also completing the mock papers!

Read more: Updated 13 March 2014

Champions are made NOT born: Why effort is everything.

Happy New Year to all of our students, parents, carers and friends of the college. In assemblies this week I am challenging the 'talent myth'. I am dispelling the notion that only those with inate talent can be successful and that that through effort, practice and perseverance every student has the capacity to become a champion in their own field.

Read more: Champions are made NOT born: Why effort is everything.

Updated 5 June 2014

The exam season is now fully underway and we are working towards the final GCSEs in Science and Maths over the next week, as well as all of the A2 exams. Good luck to all students. 

Read more: Updated 5 June 2014

Updated 30 January 2014

Thank you to all of our year 11 and 12 students who have approached the recent mock exams with such maturity. Our mock exam results day for year 11 will take place on 5 February in order to give the students a true understanding of how it will feel in August when they receive their envelope. We will be following up closely with some students who need to push themselves harder and will be inviting some parents/carers into college to discuss how their child can maximise progress.

Read more: Updated 30 January 2014

Community spirit at the college


As the year comes to a close, I would like to thank all students, staff and parents/ carers for their continued hard work and support.  Although there is much to be done before the end of term, I would like to wish you a peaceful and restful holiday.


Read more: Community spirit at the college