End of the year
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- Created: Tuesday, 08 July 2014 11:26
- Written by christine
As we are fast approaching the end of the college year, I would like to wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable summer break.
The college has been very busy over the last three weeks. On Wednesday 25 June Years 10 and 12 participated in the annual Sports Day. The students participated in a fun-filled day of competitive sports as well as mass participation events. In the afternoon all Year 10 had a go at basketball shoot outs, ‘keepie-uppies’ and welly wanging! At the end of the afternoon, and following the annual tug of war competition, Birch House were crowned as House Champions for 2013-14.
Events continued last week with A Level taster lessons for the new Year 12 students. Students were able to access a sample lesson or drop in to all subjects available to study at Post 16. The staff were impressed by the mature attitude of the students who attended their sessions. One student commented on the flexibility of the two days and how they could try not only the courses they have chosen but also many others.
On Tuesday 1 and Thursday 3 July the Open Door Theatre held two college concerts. Tuesday featured a range of performances by the student as a celebration for those who are leaving the college this year. Not only were there some fantastic musical performances we also had two drama pieces which reflected the diversity of the work being carried out by the students. All the staff in the Performing Arts Department wish all the students leaving this year the very best of luck for the future. Thursday was a different evening with the inaugural concert of the Brookvale Groby Band. This is a collaborative project led by Miss White from Brookvale and Tor Bridge at the college. This is the first time the campus has had an orchestra and the sound produced after just 6 months of rehearsal was absolutely tremendous. Both Ms Rush and I felt incredibly proud of our students and the quality of their musicianship. We are all excited about the Christmas Concert which is already planned.
On Wednesday 2 July the college opened its doors to 240 new Year 10 students. All students completed a full timetable of taster lessons as well as a day of tutor based activities. The latter section focused on team building, getting to know the college as well as multi-cultural enrichment. As a college we wanted to widen the students understanding of their city and its multi-cultural dimension. We welcomed in guests from Crown Hills Community College who produced a fantastic display of Bangra Dancing, Steel Band playing and Indian music. The students who visited were an absolute credit to their school, their parents and families.
Although the annual Alton Towers trip and activity day takes place on Thursday 10 July, things will be a little quieter in the last week with lessons continuing as normal. I would like to thank you all for your support for the college, our students and staff over the last 12 months; we could not do it without you. Have a great summer.
Mr Coles
7 July 2014