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Exam Time

Our students are getting ready to start the very busy time of preparing for their exams.  We aim to give as much advice as possible to support students, along with parents and carers over the coming months.  It is a tense time for all parties (especially the students!) as the build up to the exams begins.  For many, the next few weeks are about completing assignments and ensuring that controlled assessments are completed.  At this point, many parents seem to feel disconnected from the process as the students have to take full responsibility for their exams.  In order to bridge that gap, on Tuesday 9 April we are running our exam support evening, where parents and carers of students in year 11 can get all of the advice they need on how to support their son or daughter.

Read more: Exam Time


It is a complex decision concerning if to close a school or when to re-open during extreme weather. We have to weigh up the need to continue the normal pattern of education around vital exams but also the health and safety of the students and staff.

Read more: Snow

Happy New Year

I hope that you had a restful Christmas break and are looking forward to the year ahead.  Christmas got off to an early start during December with the first Christmas Craft Fair organised by Mrs Middleton.  The event raised money for the planned Camp International trip to Kenya in 2014 through its raffle.  Key fund raisers included Corey Carroll, Daniel George and James Wynne.  This year's Young Enterprise company 'lota' also sold products to raise money to fund their project.
Thursday 10 January 2013