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It is a complex decision concerning if to close a school or when to re-open during extreme weather. We have to weigh up the need to continue the normal pattern of education around vital exams but also the health and safety of the students and staff.

In order to open fully on Tuesday 22 January, the site team led by Steve Ward (Senior Premises Officer) along with the Brookvale staff worked from 6am on Monday to clear the site including drive, paths and car parks.  The college remained open for exams on Monday and it was important to be ready for major Year 10 and 11 exams on Tuesday and Wednesday.


I would like to thank the site teams at both schools for enabling us to get back to normal and enable the safe running of the site (so quickly!). We ask all students to act safely on the site at all times and keep the snow where it belongs; outside! During adverse weather conditions we ask parents to stay off the site at the start and end of the day by dropping the students near to the college so that they can walk the final section of the journey.
Please keep an eye on our website during bad weather and thank you for your patience and support on Monday when we were unable to open to students.
Tuesday 22 January 2013