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@ 28 October 2014

Welcome back to college following the half term break.  I would like to thank all our students for the way that they have settled back into college over the last two months.  Well done to Year 10 and 12 for an excellent start to their GCSE and A Level courses.

As you will have seen in the local press, we were particularly pleased to achieve our EQualities Award during September. Thank you to Mrs Evans who worked hard to pull our application together.  It is a real accolade to be the first school in Leicestershire to achieve recognition for working hard to make our college an equitable place to be.


Further thanks go to Mr Williams for his hard work in helping us to achieve Artsmark Gold.  This is the highest level of award which recognises the work that takes place primarily in the Performing Arts and Art and Design Technology curriculum areas. Thank you to the students who helped out with the assessors visit.  The feedback from the assessor about our students and the work that they do in the arts was glowing with positive praise.

Thank you to all our parents and carers who have been so supportive in our quest to make the campus safer by restricting the movement of cars at the end of the day.  We have long been worried that the number of cars coming on site, along with additional buses, was not an ideal situation but with your support we now feel that students can move on and off the campus in a safe manner.  We continue to work with the local highways agency to ensure that the road is well managed in the future.  Our plea as a campus is to always encourage, where possible, students to walk or cycle to and from college.

As we move towards the end of this term we will have the big events of Year 11 mock examinations as well as the whole college production of High School Musical.  Both events require commitment and hard work.  I would encourage all Year 11 students to begin thinking about their revision so that they get the best results they can to boost their confidence for next summer’s exams.

For those students taking part in the productions for Christmas, good luck and thank you for giving that bit extra to life at the college.

Mr Coles