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0116 2879921

Get Into Teaching


School Direct Partnership



The BOSGRO School Direct Cluster

BOSGRO School Direct is a unique cluster of schools in the west of Leicestershire.  We offer a range of experiences where you will develop your potential as a teacher.

Our vision is:

  • To improve outcomes for all in our 11-19 schools through the development of outstanding teachers for the future.
  • To strengthen our capacity through collaboration between, and within, our schools and higher education partnerships.
  • To support all by sharing outstanding professional development.
  • To lead developments in the personalising of career development plans.

We offer you:     

  • The opportunity to participate in a coordinated series of professional experiences led by good and outstanding teachers
  • An expectation that successful graduates of this programme are likely to be offered employment in our cluster of schools
  • The maximum possible amount of time working with students and developing the skills to become an outstanding teacher.
  • The earliest possible opportunity to get into classrooms and make a difference to students’ life chances.

          Participating Schools:

    Accredited HEI Provider:

Useful links:


For further information please contact the Lead School GROBY COMMUNITY COLLEGE.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel:     0116 287 9921