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Our Vision and Values

Achieving Excellence Together

The vision and values of Groby Community College, and the wider Groby-Brookvale 11-19 Learning Campus, are based around the simple concept that for all of our students to have the best possible future then we need to be consistently outstanding in everything that we do.

Our students, their families, the community around us and the development needs of our staff are our highest priority hence our vision 'Achieving Excellence Together'. We believe that by working as one campus, across the secondary age range, we can provide the very best learning experience possible that meets the needs of each and every student.

Values and aims of Groby Community College 

• Work together across the campus for excellence 11-19

• Be consistently outstanding in all that we do

• Be aspirational for the achievement of all partners

• Celebrate the success of all that we do and who we are

• Strive for excellence in teaching, learning and outcomes for young people

• Value each other and have high expectations for all

• Work hard in order to achieve our best

• Champion good behaviour so that we are all free to learn

Our values and aims help form our vision statement which in turn helps us to create our improvement plan each year.

Our Vision

Achieving Excellence Together - ‘the journey to outstanding’

• An outstanding school at the heart of the community

• Relentless focus on outcomes for all young people

• High challenge, high expectations and high support for all

• An outstanding, creative learning environment which engages and motivates all members

• Outward facing and working in partnership to achieve excellence for all 11-19     

(Our values and aims reflect our community and their needs. Our vision statement has been created in partnership with all members of the college)