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The structure and work of the Governing Body

The role of the Governing Body is to strategically lead the college along with the Principal and the Senior Leaders. All Governors are involved in both the planning for improvement as well as the self-evaluation of the college in order to assess progress.

The role of the governor is to both challenge and support the work of the college. The Principal expects all governors to ask challenging questions and push the boundaries of the college in order to provide the best quality we can. 

Full Governing Body 
The Full Governing (FGB) meets four times a year. All Governors are expected to come to the FGB where we discuss major changes to the college and scrutinise our planning and self- evaluation.

There are a number of committees:
• Governors Strategy Committee
  – comprising of the Chair of Governors, Principal and the chairs of the 3 major committees (see below)
• 3 major committees organised around the Ofsted Framework
  – Teaching, Learning and Achievement, Student Wellbeing and Finance and Premises.
     The bulk of the day to work of the college is scrutinised through the committees. All Governors sit on one of
     the committees.
 The Governors Disciplinary Committee 
  – has timetabled meetings throughout the year to hear disciplinary cases regarding students as well as scrutinise    
• Pay Committee
  – meets once per year to hear all pay recommendations regarding teaching staff

Link Governors
All Governors have a key link to either a whole college aspect or to a faculty. For example we have link Governors for Safeguarding, SEN, SMSC and Post 16. All of our 8 curriculum faculties have a link governor who we ask to make at least one visit to the college per year. Where possible, we try to encourage the link visits to take place during the college day so that you can see us in action.