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Action Research at Groby

Research Engaged School

This year is our third successive year of Action Research where all staff engaged in action research projects. Research and inquiry are integral to teaching and learning and they are at the heart of everything we do. We make use of the latest research findings to ensure that we have the best systems in place to support our high achieving students.

As teachers, we need to know what is actually happening in our classrooms, what learners are thinking, why learners are reacting in the ways they do and what aspects of the classroom we should focus on to enable students to reach their potential.

This year we have 8 different Action Research projects based in our Faculty areas.

Each faculty has identified an area for development and set up a research question. Throughout the year teachers will gather evidence which will be used to determine whether their hypothesis can be supported.  There are a whole range of projects focusing in on aspects of the College Improvement Plan. For example Maths will look at how students use feedback from teachers and in Science they are researching how practical science lessons affect the way students learn.

 The projects will start in September and will run throughout the year cumulating in an Action Research conference in June 2015.