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Professional Development

At Groby we nurture talent and develop all staff at every stage of their career.


We have a whole range of professional development options and colleagues are encouraged to share good practise and collaborate in a range of ways from Action Research to Lesson Study to becoming a member of a Teaching and Learning community.

Whichever way you want your career to develop there are lots of options here at Groby.

For teachers in the first years of teaching:

  • NQT mentor
  • Induction programme
  • Buddy

For teachers with 3 to 4 year’s experience:

  • SEP coordinator
  • TLC chair
  • PGCE mentor.
  • Buddy to NQT
  • Action Research coordinator
  • Member of the Drive team
  • School to school networking
  • Leadership development course

For more experienced teachers:

  • Peer to peer coaching
  • Mentoring
  • Deliver whole school/Faculty CPD
  • SLE
  • Host visiting colleagues
  • Participate in teachmeet
  • Liaise with universities

To view our CPD menu click here!